Thursday, September 26, 2024

Manson Fire District #5 Commissioners to meet Feb. 12


Chelan County Fire Protection District No 5

250 W. Manson Blvd - Manson

Will hold their  Regular Meeting of Commissioners  

Tuesday, February 12 @ 4:30 p.m. 



Call to Order  


Flag Salute 


Pension Board Meeting:  


o 2018 BVFF Pension Certification 


Public Comment    




o 1/10/2018 Regular Commissioners’ Meeting 


Financial Report 


Approval of Invoices  


o Approval of February Vouchers 


Old Business: 


o Company Calendar 


o Electronic Sign-Update-none 


o E54 Chassis Update 


o RFQ Review 


New Business: 


o Nick Glenn Recognition for Firefighter 1 Certification 


o Employment Security and Commissioners 


Chief’s Report:  


o Incidents 


o Personnel and Training 


o Recruitment & Retention  


o Facilities and Equipment   


o Prevention  


o RiverCom 


Assistant Chief’s Report 


EMS Report 


Public Comment 





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