Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chelan school levy passes by more than 65 percent


Late on February 23, the Chelan County Elections office certified the recent Lake Chelan

School District ballot measures for the Operations (EPO) Levy #1 and the Capital

Technical Levy #2 by more than 65 percent of the total ballots cast.

This is considered a landslide. I also say it’s a tremendous vote of confidence in the Lake

Chelan School District, our students, staff, and faculty as well as District Superintendent Brad

Wilson. He’s been on the job for little more than one year and has already established a clear

plan for increasing the learning capabilities for all students.

With the understanding that approximately 40 percent of the district’s student enrollment is

comprised of English language learners and speak another language at home, the difficulty

in ramping up test scores since the COVID-19 lockdown is more difficult than ever.

Superintendent Wilson set in motion a plan to lift all student achievement and inspire

community involvement. Now, the funds will be available to allow students to reach their potential through quality instructional programs, staff support, and the technical equipment they need to Achieve, Believe, and Contribute.

On behalf of the levy campaign committee, let me say thank you to the voters. Indeed, you

made the right decision to “Fill the gap.”

Terry J. LaBrue APR



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