Saturday, July 27, 2024

Conservative voice salute


Dear Editor,

Just following up from our conversation the other day regarding your ‘Apples to Apples’ on August 26, 2020.  With unwanted liberal bias all around us, including the Wenatchee paper, I highly commend you for your courage in speaking out on the conservative side!  I have been enjoying your opinions expressed over the past several years, all well noteworthy, but this week’s piece somehow really resonated with both myself and my wife, Kristi.

We do feel disenfranchised here in NCW, realizing that our votes essentially don’t ever count, with conservative values and opinions always overwhelmed by the heavily populated and liberal west side of the state, especially King County. Your thought of some sort of electoral college system for our state, just as with our nation, would be a wonderful & fair solution to restore fairness to voting for rural and less populated counties.  Of course, in reality, the chances of ever seeing such change at the state level are about the same as ever seeing real term limits for Congress……slim to none……. so sad, but nevertheless, probably true.

In conclusion, I encourage you to stay the course, keep your voice strong for those of us on the ‘right’ side of things!  We look forward to The Mirror every week for local news items and unique points of interest for our special place we call home, the Chelan Valley!


Jerry & Kristi Smith


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