Saturday, July 27, 2024

Douglas County PUD


EAST WENATCHEE - Douglas County PUD Commissioners Molly Simpson, Ronald E. Skagen and Aaron J. Viebrock executed the following actions during the July 13, Commission meeting held at the District's East Wenatchee office:

Declared 2013 Honda MUV700 surplus and authorized trade-in. It has reached its end of service life and is eligible for replacement.

Approved acceptance for work and final payment to Platt Electric under contract 19-15-W, low resistance grounding (LRG) equipment for the Wells Hydroelectric Project. All work is complete and determined to meet the bid specifications.

Authorized a call for bids under bid document 20-11-D, supply and deliver 795 ACSR overhead wire necessary for the Rocky Reach-Chelan Falls reconductor project.

Approved a call for bids under bid document 20-16-D, supply and deliver 115 and 230 KV instrument transformers to Lincoln Rock Switchyard.

Authorized land use permits 57A-02 and RR57-07, Shawn O'Connell. The permits are for use of Project lands for railroad right-of-way, gangplank, mooring buoy, landscaping, lawn and boat dock.

Authorized land use permit 57HA-03, James and Belinda Kindschi. The permit is for use of Project lands for boat ramp, river access, concrete bulkhead, gravel roadway, chain link fence and landscaping areas.

Authorized land use permit 303C-02, Jeff and Kristy Hoff. The permit is for use of Project lands for an existing fence and landscaping.

Authorized land use permit 627C-01, Steve Duncan. The permit is for use of Project lands for a single use dock and residential landscaping.

Authorized land use permit 627D-01, Columbia Shores Homeowners Association. The permit is for use of Project lands for a community dock, irrigation intake and residential landscape and irrigation system.

Authorized land use permit 632-633-01, East Bay Homeowners Association. The permit is for use of Project lands for two joint use docks and residential landscape.

Authorized land use permits 688-02, 91C-01 & 1011A-01, Okanogan County PUD. The permits are for use of Project lands for an existing guy pole, anchor, aerial wire, power poles and perch pole. 

Authorized land use permit 749C-02, Scott and Tiffany Hansen. The permit is for use of Project lands for existing residential landscaping.

Authorized land use permit 1103-01, Lonnie and Molly Jo Dixon. The permit is for use of Project lands for existing agricultural activities.

Authorized land use permit 1136-02, REPO LLC. The permit is for use of Project lands for a 10 foot wide shoreline access.

Approved professional service agreement with Ballard Partners, Inc. for consulting services. This agreement will conclude December 9, 2020.

Authorized professional service agreement with Crossroads Strategies for consulting services. This agreement will conclude November 30, 2020.

Approved professional service agreement with Seven Letter for consulting services. This agreement will conclude November 6, 2020.

Authorized redemption prior to maturity of the District's Wells Hydroelectric Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2010C (AMT) and certain matters related thereto.

Heard a report on the Douglas County Community Network. The network currently has 5,814 end users.

Rescheduled the previously rescheduled August 31, Commission Meeting back to August 24. It will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the Bridgeport Office. 




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