Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Chelan City Council votes on Apple Blossom Center Planned Development


CHELAN - The Chelan City Council at their Tuesday, August 23 meeting voted unanimously to adopt the hearing examiners recommendation concerning a major amendment to the Apple Blossom Center, Planning Development District (PDD). Council member John Olson made the motion, "I move to adopt the Hearing Examiner's findings, conclusions, and recommendations as the City Council's decision.'' The motion was seconded by Erin McCardle.
Before the council took a vote Erin McCardle reminded those in attendance that the council could only take into consideration those comments made before and during the public hearing which was held on June 14 before the City of Chelan's Hearing Examiner Andy Kottkamp. City of Chelan Planner John Ajax, read the proposed amendment to the packed and standing room only council chambers at that meeting.
Council can take into consideration those letters and comments received after that hearing, when they work with the developer on the Developers Agreement.
Concerns, comments from the public have included water pressure, affordable housing is needed - but they don't like the size, how the quality of life will change; increase in crime, increase in traffic through the Suncrest development and in downtown Chelan, parking on the streets in the proposed development and downtown Chelan, the need for a traffic study, the need for another water reservoir in Chelan, the sewage treatment plant, concerns about evacuation of the area in case of a wildfire if round-a-bouts are put in;  and concerns of no sidewalks along the highway to the area.
Future notice of Chelan City Council meeting(s) regarding final action on this application will be provided to parties of record at a later date; to be determined.
Multifamily housing will be now allowed on up to a maximum of 30 acres within the existing 198 acre PDD boundary at a gross density of 24 units per acre, resulting in a maximum of 720 multifamily dwelling units. Gross density would allow individual projects to exceed 24 units an acre, resulting in a lower density for the remaining multi-family acreage. The project area is located at U.S. 97A, SR 150, Apple Blossom, Gala, Golden, Pinata; commonly known as “Apple Blossom Center,’’ and the project applicant is Apple Blossom Center Holdings, LLC in Kirkland.
Council member Chris Baker encouraged residents to reach out to council members when they have a concern about something that is going on in the city.
John Olson
Mayor Pro Tem / Councilmember Position No. 1
Erin McCardle
Councilmember Position No. 2
Chris Baker
Councilmember Position No. 3
Peter Jamtgaard
Councilmember Position No. 4
Servando Robledo
Councilmember Position No. 5
Tim Hollingsworth
Councilmember Position No. 6
Shari Dietrich
Councilmember Position No. 7

The council also approved the distribution of $26,658 of Recording fee Surcharge Funds and $23,342 of HB 1406 State share revenues to Heritage Heights Assisted Living; and heard from a couple who live in Chelan Hills that had their basement flood twice this spring from runoff of heavy rains. Devyn Walter, new Associate Planner was introduced to the council by Interim Community Development Director Luis Gonzalez and Servando Robledo announced his resignation from the council as he is moving out of the area.


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