Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Take time to honor veterans around you on November 11


November 11, 1921 was the first Veterans Day. Armistice Day, as it was then called, was set aside by Congress to honor the veterans of World War I and marked the fourth anniversary of the signing of the Armistice with Germany. In June 1954, President Eisenhower signed a bill to honor all veterans on that day & the holiday was officially renamed Veterans Day.
Because of our veterans, we are united and live our lives in freedom, enjoying the rights guaranteed by our Constitution. Some may think Veterans Day commemorates great victories or honors great war heroes or glorifies war.
Veterans Day is more than honors our citizen soldiers, the millions of Americans who served and are still serving their country when asked and the thousands who have died.
Since the Revolutionary War, ordinary young citizens have quietly put their affairs in order, kissed their families goodbye and put on uniforms. That takes courage when you’re only 18-20 years old and filled with hopes and dreams and plans for thefuture.
These men and women are heroes. Because of their sacrifice and courage, our country is free today. Because of them, we have the rights and privileges we have always held more dear. Freedom is not a cheap commodity. Throughout our nation’s history, veterans have paid a heavy price. That is why we honor them. As we celebrate Veterans Day, keep in mind the enormous debt we owe to the veterans of this nation.

It is the VETERAN not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN, not the protester, who has given us the right to burn the flag.
It is the VETERAN, who lives by, respects & salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag.
-Author unknown.

Give thanks.  Please take the time to locate and personally thank the veterans within your family, neighborhood and community. They are the true American heroes.


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