Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Chelan and Douglas Counties show strong support for school levies


CHELAN – Early ballot results from Chelan and Douglas counties counted after the Feb. 13 voting deadline for local school levies are looking very favorable for Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) and Capital Technology levies from Entiat and Orondo to Cashmere and Chelan. 

Mixed results from Douglas County for both Chelan levies were offset by heavy majorities for both in
Chelan County put both the EP&O and Tech measures over the top.

A media release from Lake Chelan Schools Superintendent Brian Wilson on Wednesday, Feb. 14, sums it up for that district.

With a large majority of votes counted, our Educational Programs and Operations (EPO) Levy and Capital Technology Levy are both passing with over 65% voter approval. Thanks to this resounding show of support by our school district voters, we will be able to continue on our path towards realizing our vision of all students and staff achieving, believing in their potential, and contributing compassionately to their community. As we have previously shared, these measures ensure that, among other things, students have access to high-quality instructional programs during the school day and after school via extracurricular activities and have access to the technology needed to learn at high levels. 

On behalf of our students, staff, and families, I thank you for your commitment to a quality education for each of our students and for your commitment to ensure a quality future for Chelan. Students are indeed at the heart of our work, and we look forward to utilizing every resource available to ensure all students have academic, social, and emotional success in our programs. Please feel free to contact me should you ever have any questions or thoughts regarding our educational programs.

As of Wednesday, Feb. 14, the Chelan levies reflected the following results:

Chelan County

Proposition 1 (EP&O 1,219 (67.09%) Yes

  598 (32.91%) No

Proposition 2 (Tech) 1,239 (64.85%) Yes

  534 (30.15%) No

Douglas County 

Prop. 1     38 (40.48%) Yes

    56 (59.5%) No

Prop. 2       49 (52.13%) Yes

      45 (47.8%) No

Chelan County

Cashmere (EP&O)               1,069 (71.22%) Yes

    432 (28.78%) No

Entiat (EP&O)     367 (63.17%) Yes

    213 (36.83%) No

Douglas County

Orondo (EP&O)     176 (61.32%) Yes

    111 (38.68%) No

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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