Tuesday, July 2, 2024



LAKE CHELAN AIRPORT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS for ON-CALL AIRPORT ENGINEERING and/or ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES The City of Chelan and the Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority are requesting interested firms to submit their qualifications for professional airport engineering and environmental services for the following projects at the Lake Chelan Airport: 1. Environmental Assessment 2. Land acquisition and relocation assistance 3. Fuel system relocation 4. Hangar relocation 5. Relocate roads and utilities 6. Shift/lengthen and/or reconstruct Runway and Taxiways 7. Correct RSA and other pertinent airport design lateral clearance dimensional standards 8. Airport related electrical and NAVAID projects 9. AWOS installation 10. Pavement maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and strengthening of pavements 11. Airport security fencing 12. Airport Layout Plan revision/update 13. Other federal or nonfederal funded airport projects consistent with the ALP These projects are anticipated to be funded in part by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Lake Chelan Airport, unless identified as a nonfederal funded project. The Lake Chelan Airport will select the services of a firm to provide professional airport engineering, construction management/inspection services, environmental analysis in accordance with the FAA Advisory Circulars, Federal Orders, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The firm shall also be capable of FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant preparation and administration assistance and should be knowledgeable and experienced with AIP requirements. Lake Chelan Airport reserves the right to retain the selected firm(s) for a term of up to five (5) years at the Airport’s discretion. QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications will only be accepted from firms that can demonstrate having had a broad background and extensive experience in the field of environmental analysis and engineering services, and the ability to do airport projects or projects of similar complexity. Responses are due in five (5) copies by July 10, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. Submittals should be marked “Airport Engineering, Environmental Services” and be addressed to: Lake Chelan Airport ATTN: Wade Farris, City Administrator 135 E Johnson Avenue PO Box 1669 Chelan, WA 98816 Submittals will be evaluated by the criteria listed below and should be organized and identified in the following order: 1. Capability and experience to perform all or most aspects of the projects proposed. 2. Recent successful experience in airport environmental studies and engineering comparable to the proposed projects. Ability to manage and complete projects on time and on budget. 3. Experience and qualifications of your firm in complying with the requirements of the FAA AIP grant program, AIP airport design and construction standards, as well as familiarization with FAA Orders and Advisory Circulars, FAA standards, and the NEPA process. 4. Key personnel’s professional background and qualifications, including the project team for this project. Define their roles and extent of participation anticipated for this project. Provide a list of all projects worked on by the proposed project manager in the last three years, including an identification of this person’s role/responsibility for each project. 5. Qualifications and experience of subconsultants who will participate in the project. Please identify the portions of the project anticipated to be performed (in part) by subconsultants. 6. Ability to manage and complete projects located a considerable distance from your office. Please include a description of where key personnel for this project will be based, as well as the amount of travel anticipated, and other items you consider important to demonstrate this ability. 7. Current workload of firm and key personnel. List the anticipated percentage of time the project manager will have available for projects listed. 8. Evidence that the consultant has established and implemented an Affirmative Action Program (see “DBE participation” in Selection section below). SELECTION The selection process shall be in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/510014, latest edition, Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects. A selection committee will evaluate and select the best qualified consultant based on their qualifications and experience. Additionally, contracts will be subject to the provisions of Executive Order 11246 (affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity) and to the provisions of Department of Transportation Regulations 49 CFR Part 26 (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation) and 49 CFR Part 30 (Foreign Trade Restriction Clause). After the deadline for receipt of qualifications, the committee will review the qualifications and may select one firm to negotiate a contract based upon a mutually understood, detailed (as opposed to general) scope of work. If deemed necessary by the committee, at least two firms may be invited for interviews. Interviews may be located at the City office. The final selection of the firm with which to negotiate a contract will be based upon the qualifications criteria listed above, as well as: 1. Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the project’s needs and special challenges, and the sponsor’s special concerns. 2. Degree of interest and responsiveness shown in undertaking the project. 3. Overall quality of the response. 4. Demonstration of ability to meet the Airport’s needs. The Lake Chelan Airport reserves the right to negotiate with and/or award a contract to other consultants sequentially ranked (by the consultant selection committee) behind the selected consultant in the event that the Airport and the selected consultant negotiate but are unable to agree upon a detailed scope of work or cost of contract. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION No cost or fee schedules shall be submitted. FAA grant guidelines require cost and fee information to be presented during contract negotiations after the selection of the most qualified consultant with which to negotiate. No information meeting will be scheduled. Additional information will be provided upon request. Phone: (509) 682-8014 or e-mail: wfarris@cityofchelan.us . Incurring Costs It is understood that all submittals will become a part of the public file on this matter, without obligation to Lake Municipal Airport. The Airport reserves the right to reject any or all submittals. The consulting firm is responsible for all costs related to the submittal of their applications, preparation of documents or submittals needed for negotiations, and the costs incurred in traveling to and participating in any meetings associated with selecting the consultant and negotiating an agreement. Negotiations will follow criteria in FAA Advisory Circular AC150/5100-14, latest addition. Published in the Lake Chelan Mirror on June 19, 2024. #8007


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