Saturday, August 31, 2024

Rep. Mike Steele secures funds for Woodin Avenue bridge improvements

$280,000 allocated in the 2017-19 House transportation budget


In a press release from the Washington State House Republican Communications it was reported that Representative Mike Steele, R-Chelan secured $280,000 for improvements to the Woodin Avenue bridge in Chelan. The funding allocation was adopted by the House during negotiations of the 2017-19 House Transportation budget.

The $280,000 will effectively compensate the city for covering the No See-um Roundabout project starting this month.

“This is a big victory for all of us,” Steele said in the release. “Improvements on the bridge are long overdue and these funds will help increase its structural integrity and improve pedestrian safety.”

In addition to funding for the bridge, the House transportation budget will send approximately $15.6 million to the 12th Legislative District for numerous ongoing projects.

Statewide, the $8.56 billion budget will fund recruitment and retention of highly qualified state troopers; maintenance and repair roads; removal of some fish passage barriers; and continued implementation of Connection Washington projects.

The House transportation budget will now head to the Senate to await a vote of concurrence.



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