Saturday, August 31, 2024



I thought I approved specific Local Taxing Districts for one thing…. Now the Chelan City Council is taking those funds for something I did not approve.
 In recent years, we the citizens of the Chelan Valley, approved additional taxes within our property taxes for the new hospital, EMS services, and fire services.  Now, because of a ruling in Olympia allowing this to happen, the Chelan City Council has decided to take away citizen approved tax funds (maybe up to 25%) and put it towards other ‘needs/expenses’ that the City of Chelan has.
However lofty the need that the City of Chelan has, taking funds away from three important, and may I remind ‘voter approved’ services for improved living here (hospital, fire service and EMS services), is absolutely not the right way to solve the problems in the City of Chelan.
The right thing to do is put the needs out in front of the citizens and put it to a vote.  If the city is doing its due diligence, watching and living within their budget (like we are all expected to do), and there is still the need, then yes, the voters will approve.
EMS, the fire department, and the new hospital have built their long-range planning on receiving these taxing funds.  With the budget cut, obviously, the three (all health and safety related organizations we rely on) will have to cut back on services, benefits and programs.   That means cutbacks to three things we depend on in the most traumatic times of our lives.
Everyone should be outraged by the reckless move of the Chelan City Council.  A plan that was the best kept secret and behind our backs will affect everyone drastically!  Just because Olympia says you can, does not mean it is the best thing to do.
I don’t know exactly how to help the needs in Chelan, but what I do know is don't take away my say, by taking my voter approved taxing districts and moving those funds somewhere else. And certainly not in a secret way, as it appears you are doing it!

- Christine Courtright


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