Saturday, August 31, 2024

Manson FFA celebrates FFA Week Feb. 28-25


Kevin Amsden has been the Manson FFA advisor for 40 plus years and the Manson FFA Chapter was started in 1955.
The Manson FFA Chapter is what they call an affiliate chapter which means any student that takes a class from Mr. Amsden is a FFA member, whether they participate in activities is up to them. They usually have about 30 active members. All students  nineth through twelfth are eligible.
Officers are: President Jesus Estrade, Vice-president Bryce Mogan, Secretary Finn Smith, Treasurer Van Keogh Michaels  and Reporter Tanner Schoenwald.
Activiites planned for FFA Week for the Manson Chapter are: Tuesday: Green Hand Day, Wednesday: Manson FFA T-shirts, Thursday: Ice cream day with toppings and Friday: BBQ in Shop room.
Manson FFA members participate in the Chelan County Fair, NCW Fair in Waterville, Cattle Judging, District Apple Judging, State Apple Judging, Livestock Judging, Ag Expo Field Trip, Job interview and 1st year CDE.


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